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United Kingdom
most people think outside the box, or inside the box... i going to think OF the box, it gets no attention.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

An animation test for lip syncing

Shadow hates colours - my attempt at a flash movie...

Here was my first real flash movie, and it took at least 6 weeks to figure out how to export a movie file with all the settings right, instead of a .SWF file, because youtube doesnt support SWF files.

The reason I created this was for fun, but also a great try at lip syncing (youll notice that the mouth is animated the best by far)

Monday, 10 May 2010

Dynamic chain

sounds like an fighting move....

After following the Dynamic chain tutorial on GreyScale Gorilla here --> http://greyscalegorilla.com/blog/2010/01/how-to-make-a-dynamic-chain-with-cinema-4d/
and after about an hour, I've got a working chain. Because this chain works the same way as a rope would, I have decided to use it instead of a skipping rope to match more with Gila's character... I have come to really like the new MoGraph dynamics...

things to finish in the next few days

my work management is going the best it has all year, but I'm still behind a little on written work. Research is done but the essay is coming along slowly.

things to get done in the next 2 days:
- Essay finished off
- write about programs
- annotate all the 'making of' screenshots

Weight painting checkup

Weighted Model
the whited area of the hips was the most difficult to paint, because of the points around the shorts causing a lot of problems. However, It seems resolved now, and the skipping handles are now ready for some rope.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

a collection of expressions

The morph tags I have made so far... are sad mouth, sad eyes, angry eyes and smile mouth. and with these I can get these range of expressions, I would like to make a few more expressions, and work on the smile mouth a bit more because it is too subtle.

Angry eyes + lower lid lift + sad mouth _ open mouth = some kind of disgusted expression.

same, but without the lower lid lifted = angry

smile mouth + sad eyes + open mouth = some kind of compassionate or pity face.

smile mouth + angry eyes + open mouth = evil laughing face

open mouth + smile mouth = very happy

smile mouth = happy

angry eyes + sad mouth = angry (i really like how the brow goes with the angry eyes)

the sad eyes from the front just look bored, i cannot create a sad face from the front effectively.

sad eyes + sad mouth = simple sad face/ bored look.

Making the eyes blink was by far the hardest morph to achieve, because I had to do each lid separate, and each eye separate, getting the top lid to meet the bottom one was a challenge.

~ more to come. :)


First storyboard. This is the storyboard I would like to follow with....

First page:

Second page

Third page

Fourth Page

Fifth Page

The next 2 frames are an alternate beginning, however, I have chosen not to use this method because the morph tags used to make the hands clench looks rubbish. But by using the above method, I can switch shots from him not holding the skipping ropes, to him holding them, without having to animate the hands, and I will not have to make a dummy of the ropes from being inanimate, to being picked up. this means I will save a LOT of time and that is crucial in the last weeks.

Finished Model sheets

yep, I've finished the bio and model sheets a while ago, but I needed to update them here. There still might be a few more changes, but nothing major to the actual design, or layout.
first page includes the elevations, and I think i might put a few more effects on here. The second page i find, I am a lot happier with, probably because it's a lot more interesting to look at, with more things in it.

As future changes, I think I will add the shadow effect I used with the brush around the expressions, on the main elevations on the first sheet, just to differentiate them from the background a little more.

I am really pleased with the outcome of these sheets, and I have enjoyed making them.