The morph tags I have made so far... are sad mouth, sad eyes, angry eyes and smile mouth. and with these I can get these range of expressions, I would like to make a few more expressions, and work on the smile mouth a bit more because it is too subtle.

Angry eyes + lower lid lift + sad mouth _ open mouth = some kind of disgusted expression.
same, but without the lower lid lifted = angry
smile mouth + sad eyes + open mouth = some kind of compassionate or pity face.
smile mouth + angry eyes + open mouth = evil laughing face
open mouth + smile mouth = very happy
smile mouth = happy
angry eyes + sad mouth = angry (i really like how the brow goes with the angry eyes)
the sad eyes from the front just look bored, i cannot create a sad face from the front effectively.
sad eyes + sad mouth = simple sad face/ bored look.
Making the eyes blink was by far the hardest morph to achieve, because I had to do each lid separate, and each eye separate, getting the top lid to meet the bottom one was a challenge.
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