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United Kingdom
most people think outside the box, or inside the box... i going to think OF the box, it gets no attention.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

My first year Animation showreel (segmented)

Here I will upload all of my showreel animations (ive had to separate them all out because blogger cannot cannot handle the file size unfortunately)

Here they are in order from newest to oldest:

Mosquito E4 Stinger Animation

This animation is composited with live action footage, 3D character and parts of the environment to cast shadows, 2D flash overlay of the purple paint, pupils, legs and antennae of the character. a good use of compositing, and first use of morph tags.

The unfortunate life of Crabby the Crab My first try at using Cinema 4D, this animation was make to style with 2.5D animation. the character was animated in hierarchy.

2 Tester Pieces for Gila Tyson animation:

These two video's are test pieces for my final Gila Tyson animation which is here:

Final Gila Tyson Animation:

This is the latest animation, and my first attempt at a rigged 3D character in Cinema 4D. I am really pleased with the effect, and would only change a few things, such as the pupil texture wasn't stuck onto the actual model so it flailed about all over the place.

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