drumroll please.....
okay, this is the last update of the Berlin trip
Focusing on inspirative animations and artists that have an effect on me or my work for whatever reason....
Firstly, 3753% TORDAL - PAPP
now this wasn't an animation at all, but rather, it was a very cute, very simple character, created with the ability of being a blank canvas for artists. I thought that the idea was brilliant, and I had a chat with the creators afterwards about the possibility of them hosting a website or blog where users could upload their own ideas and designs for the box-shaped character, in which there could be competitions, or comissioned characters for sale!
well, I was quite exited about it It seemed like I was suggesting a lot, but i felt that this thing could grow to be quite a big deal!
they told be to try my hand at designing a character box art and emailing it to them whenever I get one done, so ill be trying that out next week if I have the time on my hands to do it, it shouldnt be too hard! I could even do box versions of my already designed characters and put them along with my final show exhibition.
here are some screenshots of their exhibition, and the little working robot, they had scurrying across the floor (took me quite a few tries to capture a shot oof it because when you got close to it it got freightened and ran backwards.... it made me look daft following it around)
oh, and before I forget, I spoke with the guy behind all of this at the exhibition and he told me you can buy those blinnking eyes from geekthink.com! (or something along those lines)
2 - Secondly, I finally got to meet David O'rilley!!
i told him i diddnt realize he was in the show, and he replied with "me neither" :) well, after watching his new animation at the end of the final screening, I managed to get his autograph and snapped a stalker photo of him!
David O'riley's sense of humour always gets me, and it seemed everyone else too because the entire audience laughed all the way through his 11 minute animation short, and I felt that I would like to try my hand with an animation piece that is made up of all short jokes, compiled together as different stories and perspectives that ultimately come together as one world filled with my own characters lives etc.

3 - other things worthty of mention:
The speaker Ryan Quincy came up on stage in a huge furry suit of his character he is portraying in a hopefull new series. sadly, he had to take it off part way through his talk because "its too ------- hot in there!" but I thought his talk was exellent and hopefully we can see more of his new series if he can get funding for it!
well... as the main even it was a truly weird experience... the fuzzy monsters you can see on the pictoplasma main site were the main starts of course, and they pranced about doing rude gestures now and then giving the audience a bit of a shock. They then had this poor german guy on a piano who seemed to go on forever, no seriously.... it felt like hours! people started leaving left right and centre everytime he slowed down to finish, then just kept going, it was like one big joke! again, this shocked the audience.... finally there was a huge DJ party down on stage, so i got down there like the rest of them and pranced about like the DJ told us all to run in circles etc... there were lots of cameras on the stage, and filming the audience too....
... After seeing that the cameras, during the entire show were pointed at the audience, I believe that they were studying peoples reactions and the entire thing.... WAIT FOR IT........ was all an experiement ont he audience!! well... thats what I think, because it was very odd, and with the cameras filming ONLY the audience's reactions, NONE of them were pointed at the stage, ....then there was the crazy part that brought about 200 people onto the stage, to run about and rave, then have a dance off, and a sort of, follow the leader game where we all had to copy one guy. Well... maybe im looking too far into this, but im sure it was all an experiment on the audience!
oh yeah, and the chandelier was huge, if it fell we would have all probably been crushed...
overall, its been a great visit, though next time Id like to see some local animation sometime! why cant newcastle have a focus on art as much as berlin? :(
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