this is part 2 of the berlin week summary, this ones all about the artists! the ones i liked, diddn't like.... update 3 will be particular ones that will inspire my work, so stay tuned for that one :)
anyway, here are the artists in no particular order:
1 - The Black Heart Gang - Deep Deep below us
I really loved the crazy character designs of this group of artists and animators, and after watching their talk, i found out that there was a really deep storyline full of rich characters that were yet to be introduced or shown, they had even comissioned someone to create a huge wooden statue of a Cockrel character who looked fantastic!
the gallery however i felt diddnt have much in the way of characters at all, for something that is based along a novel-like story, I would have liked to see a host of the characters. But anyaway, the paintings were mostly bland like these two here:
2 - Te bee kingdom - Bee invasion
this collection of work was mainly focused on glasswear which I wasnt trule interested in, but the paintings and designs used for the glassware reminded me of that cute character design you see a lot in japan and korea, and places like Tado specialise in this area.

They gay bomb is just in there because its FAAAABULOUUUUS !
3 - VILLE SAVAIMAA - dangerous bees are not animals
This artist diddnt really catch my eye much with the gallery, the images were very alike, however it does interest me that the subject matter is, according to the artist, supposed to be representations of the bad experiences in her life, shown as an art form because she felt that was the only way of releasing them. On that note, I think the pictures work, and I can see a sense of fear in all of the pictures.
4- MCBESS - the pirates are dead
another artist that uses a single style for all of his work is McBess. he was kind enough to hang around the exhibition and talk to people, while painting a huge picture on the wall of himself as his own character (he even has the tattoo!)
there was also small figuringes, t-shirts, an overall heavily merchandiced echibition of work, with odd things such as surf boards etc. reaching the thousands £££!!!

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